Basic WM-passport types Professional WM-passport types

Merchant WM-Passport allows to perform limitless payment acceptance through special interfaces.
Issuance procedure: Merchant WM-Passport is issued to Personal Passport holder automatically (free of charge) after registration in Megastock

Capitaller WM-Passport is issued to Budget planning and Automation Tool WMID registered in Capitaller service
Issuance procedure: Capitaller WM-Passport is issued to Personal WM-Passport (or higher) holder automatically (free of charge) after creation of Budget planning and Automation Tool.

Transact Automation Tool WM-Passport is issued to corporate users for individual integration with special interfaces, offered by WebMoney Transfer System.
Issuance procedure: Transact Automation Tool WM-Passport is issued to Personal WM-passport (or higher) holder automatically (free of charge) after making a proper contract with one of the System Guarantors.

Developer WM-Passport is issued to a Sowtware Developer, who develop software by WebMoney Transfer System order or together with WebMoney Transfer System specialists.
Issuance procedure: Developer WM-Passport is issued to Personal WM-passport holder automatically (free of charge) after reasoned statement message to WebMoney technical support team. Use of standard WebMoney Transfer System interfaces does can not be processed as argument for Developer WM-Passport issuance.

Registrar WM-Passport has the highest status among WM-Passports issued by WebMoney Transfer System. Mandatory condition for Registrar WM-Passport issuance is participation in WM-Passport service partnership program of issuing Personal WM-Passports or participation in Arbitration service as an arbitrator.
Issuance procedure: Registrar WM-passport is issued to Personal WM-passport holder after personal meeting with WM Passport service representative in Moscow, making «Contract of delegation for Registrar» with WM Transfer Ltd. operator and guarantee deposit in total ammount of 3000 WMZ.

WebMoney Service WM-Passport. For efficient business and information exchange System provides different services that allow System users work with necessary safety rate transactions, automate payments, keep accounts, conduct exchange of different payment instruments, swiftly search for partners in local area right on your computer.
Issuance procedure: WebMoney Service WM-Passport is issued to WebMoney Transfer system Projects only.

WebMoney Guarantor WM-Passport. Guarantors provide top-up/withdrawal funds in/out the System by the errand of proper WM-purse holders.
Issuance procedure: WebMoney Guarantor WM-Passport is issued to corporate users after meeting of certain requirements.

WebMoney Operator WM-Passport. As an operator, that provides organizational and technical maintenance as well as smooth functioning and accounting of all the transactions - WMT LLC company, is also an owner and administrator of WebMoney Transfer System. Operator provides registration of new Guarantors, organizes their feedback to users, keep balance of the System with provision of statistics of all the Guarantors and general statistics of the System.